Call for Papers: Workshop on "The changing boundaries of European integration"

The boundaries of the European integration project are changing, both with regard to geographical boundaries, and the boundaries between national and European policymaking. While countries from Serbia to Ukraine want to join the EU, the UK has opted to leave the Union, and integration with Switzerland is slowly eroding. Likewise, Europeanization is increasing in some policy fields such as fiscal or military cooperation, stagnating in others, and in some policy fields there is even discussion of a re-nationalization of European competences. 

We invite submissions for a workshop that explores this phenomenon and address questions such as: How can we map the expanding and retrenching horizontal and vertical boundaries in European integration? How can the different de-bordering and re-bordering dynamics across countries and across policy fields be explained, and what effects do they have? What role do the public, political parties, member state governments, and the EU bureaucracy play in these dynamics? And what feedback effects do the changing boundaries of European integration have on national and European politics? 

Deadline for abstract submission is 15 September 2024.

More information.